Self-Help Support Groups
12-Step Recovery: 456-0093
Al-Anon Information Services: 595-1212
Al-Anon Service Center of Tidewater: 499-1443
Alcoholics Anonymous: 595-1212
Alcoholics Anonymous: 490-3980
Marijuana Anonymous: 800-766-6779
Narcotics Anonymous (Peninsula): 875-9314
Narcotics Anonymous (Southside): 459-8467
Overeaters Anonymous: 456-1530
Sex Addicts Anonymous: 398-0006
Behavioral Health Resources
I Need a Lighthouse (depression and suicide education)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
NAMI Virginia
Mental Health VB
Local Support Groups
AIDS – Hospice Support: 622-2989
AIDS – Tidewater AIDS Community Taskforce: 583-1317
AIDS – Testing: 800-584-8183
Addiction Center for Treatment: 480-5404
Addiction Service Healthcare: 800-234-0420
Adoption Resources: 800-533-4320
Adoption from the Heart: 800-355-5500
Adoptees & Natural Parents Organization: 874-9091
Albemarle Hopeline: 252-338-3011
Allergy and Asthma Network: 800-878-4403
Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Virginia Beach): 499-2041
Alliance for the Mentally Ill: 888-486-8264
Alliance of Genetic Support: 800-336-4363
Alzheimer’s Association: 459-2405
Alzheimer’s Association Groups: 800-392-0022
Alzheimer’s Support Group: 489-3111
Alzheimer’s Support Group: 483-1780
American Cancer Society: 800-227-2345
American Diabetes Association: 455-6335
American Heart Association: 800-242-8721
American Red Cross: 393-1031
Anger Management – Avery Finney: 466-0700
Anger Management – ACT: 623-2228
Animal Aid Society: 865-0511
Arthritis Foundation: 800-477-7679
Arthritis Foundation: 456-1119
Autism Society of America: 461-4474
Battered Women’s Group (Samaritan House): 430-2120
Bereaved Parents Support Group: 668-7129
Bereavement Support –Catholic Charities: 875-0060
Bereavement Support (Compassionate Friends): 484-8161
Bereavement Support: 594-2745
Bereavement Support: 398-2452
Bereavement Support: 428-7727
Bereavement Support: 889-5471
Better Breathers Club: 934-4720
Big Brother/ Big Sister (Williamsburg: 253-0676
Brain Injury Support: 928-8327
Breast Cancer Support: 395-8685
Cancer Support Group: 398-2447
Cancer Support (Lee’s Friends): 440-7501
Cancer Support Group: 889-4224
Cardiac Rehab Support: 398-2591
Caregiver Support Group –Catholic Charities: 875-0060
Crib Death Hotline: 804-864-7757
Crisis Line Phone Counseling: 622-1126
Cystic Fibrosis Support: 800-344-4823
Depression-Older Adults: 312-6143
Diabetes American Association: 455-6335
Disabled American Vets: 461-4938
Divorce/Separation – Catholic Charities: 467-7707
Domestic Violence Support Group: 631-0710
Domestic Violence Hotline: 622-4300
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault: 451-0174
Endependence Center: 461-8007
Family Counseling Center: 498-1135
Fleet & Family Support Services: 444-2102
Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia: 627-6599
Genive Women in Crisis: 800-969-4673
Grace & Hope Mission: 855-7175
Hope House Foundation: 625-6161
Jewish Family Services: 489-3111
La Leche League: 857-8403
Lupus Foundation: 490-2793
Lupus Support Group: 886-6700
Make-A-Wish Foundation: 456-5292
Man-to-Man Group (prostate cancer): 395-8686
March of Dimes: 361-0000
Multiple Sclerosis Society: 490-9627
Parkinson Self Help Group: 495-3062
Parkinson Support Group: 886-6700
Peninsula Agency on Aging: 873-0541
Cardiac Rehab Support: 398-2591
Response Rape Crisis (24/7): 622-4300
Response Sexual Trauma (appointments): 623-2115
Scleroderma Support Group: 855-5200
Seton House: 498-4673
S.H.A.R.E. Support Group: 889-5471
Sleep Disorders Support: 395-8507
Stroke Support Group: 889-2273
Stroke Support Group: 312-6122
Stroke Support Group: 928-8327
Survivors of Domestic Violence: 622-6794
Survivors of Suicide (Catholic Char.): 875-0060
Survivors of Suicide (Williamsburg): 253-2847
Take Off Pounds Sensibly: 587-7305
Transitions Domestic Violence Hotline: 723-7774
United Birthparents: 800-822-2777
United Cerebral Palsy: 497-7474
Virginia Family Violence Hotline: 800-838-8238
Women in Crisis Hotline: 625-5570
Widow/Widower Support: 545-4911
Widow/Widower Support: 490-1316
Youth Crisis Network (Seton): 963-5795
Here for You 24/7
We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 757-627-LIFE, visit our facility, or message us to get started. In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
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